Welcome to Celebrant Plus and Nuala Geary Celebrant
Welcome to Celebrant Plusand Nuala Geary Celebrant 

Every ceremony I create is to honour and celebrate the life of the person who has died. Each of us is unique so it is with that in mind that I approach each service to provide a fitting tribute based on the life of the person concerned so that it is right for the individual and family. An end of life ceremony can be designed to provide a service that considers individual beliefs and values.


A funeral service is one of the most important parts of the healing process for those mourning a loss. I ensure that we not only celebrate the life of the loved one but also embrace and acknowledge the deep sadness at this often emotional and challenging time. Many of us have grown up accepting the traditional funeral services but increasingly over recent years more people have sought alternatives. Often some people are not church goers but seeking comfort from religious readings, hymns or prayers, some prefer to have no religious references or others asking for a more unique or spiritually engaging ceremony. Whichever your preference I create ceremonies that are positive and uplifting whilst also respectful and sensitive.


Before I meet with the family I ask that they think about a few things to share with me:

  • where the deceased was born and grew up
  • who they grew up with - siblings, family members
  • partners, children, grandchildren and other family members
  • close friends and colleagues
  • if they worked, what did they do?
  • hobbies, interests or achievements
  • favourite or special memories
  • any stories or well known anecdotes?
  • what they will be best remembered for
  • did the deceased talk of their beliefs or requests regarding their death?
  • do you want anyone to speak at the service
  • do you have any readings, poetry or music you may like to include?


I am a member of the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants, which is a supplier member of the National Association of Funeral Directors. I am generally commissioned directly by the funeral director or requested by a family member, or loved ones. Please feel free to contact me to find out how I can help you at a significant time or download my leaflet to find out more.


Funeral leaflet
General info and contact details
A5 Funerals.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.8 MB]
Bereavement advice form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [229.1 KB]

Find out more!

Just call me 07982 728898 or



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